King of Avalon newbie strategy

King of Avalon newbie strategy

First, battle power

When you enter the game, you will find a value that shows your strength in the upper left corner next to your character's avatar. Here the strength consists of 7 parts, respectively: lord strength, dragon strength, troop strength, building strength, research strength, trap strength, equipment strength. So that means any part of your kingdom building strength increase, the strength in the upper left corner will go up. In this statement, cantonment is very important!!!


Second, the importance of food

Food is the most important resource, production of soldiers need food, upgrade the building needs food, troops need food, research technology needs food, do almost nothing can not do without food. So in the configuration of production resources, it is recommended that the number of farms can be allocated a little more, followed by wood, then iron ore and silver ore.


Third, pay attention to the hint pattern on the building

When your farm or sawmill can be collected, there will be a reminder pattern above the building, in the part of the material production area, there is a free gift can be received. 

Fourth, the production of soldiers can be carried out at the same time

Four kinds of soldiers can be produced at the same time, it is recommended that the four kinds of soldiers have been produced in the early stage, you can quickly improve the strength, and then in the later stages to cooperate with the dragon skills and lord skills to specialize in the production of specific types of soldiers.


Fifth, at the beginning of the game, you need to get a lot of production resources and fast building upgrades, a large number of resources and building upgrades means that the strength of the soaring and the game progress forward.

The second queue allows your army to attack two targets (cities and monsters) or collect two resource grids at the same time, which can plunder more materials, while the second production worker allows you to upgrade two buildings at the same time, which accelerates the progress of the game.

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